How To monitor your Child's Digital Wellbeing for a Healthier Lifestyle?
Health, Kids

How to Monitor Your Child’s Digital Wellbeing for a Healthier Lifestyle?

In a technology-driven society, the digital world is a living reality. The pandemic pushed us further into this digital world. Not only adults but it has become a reality even for our kids. For two academic years, schools imparted education through online classes. I can’t thank technology enough for that. Moreover, Instagram and other social media platforms have given new…

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A Teen's Guide To Her Period

A Teen’s Guide to Her First Period

A menstrual period is a natural process that happens in every girl’s life. It can be a little scary when it’s your first time, but with this guide, you’ll be prepared for everything. In this blog post, we will talk about everything that goes into having your period for the first time. We’ll discuss how to prepare yourself, what to…

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