#blogchatterA2Z, Infertility

Being Xenodochial helped

What is Xenodochial? Okay, this looks like a tough word and many would-be wondering the meaning of it. Well,” Xenos ” is a Greek word for “strangers;” according to the Oxford English Dictionary, xenodochial means “hospitable.”In short, Xenodochial means “friendly to strangers”. It may refer to people or software. Now, you all must be wondering how this can help a person battling…

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#blogchatterA2Z, Infertility

Be Unapologetically You.

All journeys of life are difficult and they have their own set of challenges. Life throws it’s own tantrum, it makes you cry, humiliate, depress or even laugh at times. Life has myriad hues to offer but one must know how to use those hues to paint a picture-perfect. Infertility was always a subject of taboo not only in India…

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#blogchatterA2Z, Infertility

Top 6 Reasons for failed fertility treatment

Fertility treatment mainly comprises of IUI or IVF apart from medication-related to hormonal imbalances. These treatments are lengthy, bit expensive and painful. Therefore, it’s important to understand the failures for having success in first or few attempts. Here, I would be citing more reasons for IVF as it’s a cumbersome process and a complicated one too. 6 Reasons for failed…

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PCOS is the Hidden cause for Infertility

PCOS : Hidden Cause for Infertility

The most common reason cited for infertility is PCOS (Poly – Cystic Ovarian Syndrome).PCOS is considered to be the hidden cause of infertility in almost 70-80% of cases. Most women with PCOS have a 20-40% chances of getting pregnant with IVF treatment. PCOS can be treated with a healthy lifestyle and active metabolic process. Before we know the co- relation…

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#blogchatterA2Z, Infertility

Natural Ways to Boost Fertility

Food and changes in lifestyle effects our health drastically. All physiological function and metabolism of the body are dependent on this two factors majorly. Going Natural ways definitely boosts fertility without any side effects. Fertility too could be boosted by healthy options and adopting changes in lifestyle.Here are the few most effective foods that can augment your fertility and increase…

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#blogchatterA2Z, Infertility

7 Common Myths of IVF Busted

Throughout the series of blog chatter A2Z campaign, I have been focussing on various treatments that are usually adopted for treating infertile couples. Mainly focussing on IVF and IUI. IVF is a wonder of science and technology that renders a ray of hope to an infertile couple desperate to experience the bliss of parethood. Fortunately, Universe was kind enough, to…

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