#blogchatterA2Z, Infertility

Do’s and Don’ts of IVF

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Do’s and Don’ts of IVF

IVF is the most opted fertility treatment for couples struggling for several years or are aged. With advanced technology and frozen embryology concept, IVF therapy has gained popularity for the rate of success that it offers.

Most women typically see success rates of 20-35% per cycle, but the likelihood of getting pregnant decreases with each successive round, while the cost increases. The cumulative effect of three full cycles of IVF increases the chances of a successful pregnancy to 45-50%.

IVF is not only a painstaking process but also drains you financially and mentally. After 5 IUI’S and one surgery .Finally, we decided to give our best and try for the last time. This attempt of IVF was our only ray of hope that was flickering in the winds of uncertainties. You can read my journey of motherhood here.

But for making it a success, I followed the instructions given by my doctor to “T”.It’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle before you embark on this journey as your body is being introduced to a heavy dose of hormonal injections. I am sharing this, so that you too can reap the benefits and achieve success at the very first attempt. As I mentioned earlier it’s a lengthy, financially, physically and mentally cumbersome process, so brace yourself with positivity .

Check out these points and try following them religiously if you are planning ahead for IVF or are already in this journey.

Comprehensive list of Do’s and Don’ts of IVF.

Pre-Cycle Phase

  • Take Supplements – Start taking supplements like Folic acid (B9), Vitamin D that would boost your fertility and assist in this process.
  • Adequate Sleep – Try getting 8hour of sound sleep. Sleep is very vital as melatonin and cortisol part of the brain release fertility hormones that regulate vital functions. Not only number of hours is important but also sleeping early too.
  • Eat Right – Here it means both quality as well as quantity. Avoid eating heavy meals. Include leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts and dairy products in your daily diet. Try avoiding junk or street side food.
  • Keep yourself hydrated – Drinking sufficient water is important throughout IVF cycle nothing less than 8 glass per day on an average. You can club it with fresh juice, and other healthy drinks.

This is the phase when your body receives heavy dose of hormones and you experience lot of mood swings.

Mid – Cycle Phase

  • Avoid Alcohol and tobacco – Consuming alcohol and smoking both adversely affects fertility. It reduces sperm count and hampers ovulation process by deteriorating egg quality.
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners, red meat, sugar, caffeine and highly processed food – These foods should be avoided during the entire IVF cycle for lowering live birth rates (successful pregnancy).
  • Take your hormone injections at a particular time of the day – Very few clinics give emphasis to this. For example, you have taken a hormonal injection today at 9 a.m in the morning the next day also you should take at the same time. Sticking to sharp 9 a.m is not feasible so one hour early or later is good enough but not more than that.
  • Do Moderate to low-impact exercise – Avoid doing Cardio- exercises .
  • Stay positive – Be in touch with people who boosts your spirits. Listen to music or watch something that would help you to release endorphins.

Post – Cycle Phase

  • Continue staying healthy and eating well.
  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol and smoking throughout.
  • Try staying relaxed and calm by keeping your anxiety level low doing Yoga and meditation.
  • Eat home-cooked and fresh food. Avoid eating food cooked for more than 12 hrs.
  • Have an adequate amount of water.
  • Sleep well
  • Don’t lift heavy weights and avoid physical stores.
  • Don’t miss or skip any medication prescribed to you even for a day.

The outcome is not in your hands but you can definitely aid in the process by following these do’s and don’ts.

Every single effort matters

Every single effort every day matters. They look small but these small acts have the tremendous power to bring the sea change.

Do share your thoughts in the comment box?

You can read other posts of the series #trystwithinfertility below

” C”- Checklist before entering a fertility clinic

“D”-Diagnostic Tests regarding Infertility

“E” – Bird’s Eyeview on Overall fertility Treatment

“F”- 5 Fertility facts that would amaze you

“G”- IVF : The Gamechanger

“H” – 5 Common habits that could mess with your fertility

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About womb2cradlenbeyond

9 thoughts on “Do’s and Don’ts of IVF

  1. Well done! another post with lot of information on IVF. I am sure whoever is trying to do this right now, will find this post very helpful. Like I am. Thanks for the post! Have a beautiful day ✨?

    1. Thanks Simon, I pray for you guys. I know what you must be going through. But hope and faith inevitably invites Miracle. It will soon come your way. I must say your fiction is very interesting and gripping will read them at one go. Thanks for stopping by and giving it a read.

  2. Those are some very good points. When you are struggling, the results are not in your hand. But you need to give your best and always listen to your doctor. Must read post for couples

    1. Thanks Pragun, for spreading the words. The intent is to offer my humble support and share my knowledge who are going through this silent battle.

  3. this is very important to know the do’d and don’t about the process, so that you can smoothen your journey at least up to some extent rest you said rightly that result is not in our hands but following dos and don’ts sincerely we can sow the seed of the best result.

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