#blogchatterA2Z, Blog challenges, Infertility

Laparoscopic Surgery that was a nightmare for me and my family.

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That Summer day of June 8, 2012, is forever etched in my heart when I had a close brush with the inevitable death. I was out of breath and gave a nightmare not only to my family but also to the doctors. A young 32 years patient with no history of chronic disease and grade A patient was fighting a battle of life and death in one of the most renowned hospital.

Laparoscopy for infertility is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that uses a laparoscope (a fiber-optic tube with light and video camera) inserted through two or more minor incisions, often in the belly button. The surgeon can then visually examine the pelvic reproductive organs and the pelvic cavity.

It was a minor operation to remove a small fibroid (Myomectomy) in the lining of my uterus as it could have been the reason for not conceiving all these years.

Before proceeding further in an infertility treatment, mostly laparoscopic surgeries are conducted either for diagnostic purpose or for the removal of any abnormality in the uterus, ovaries and tubes.

My first laparoscopic surgery was for a diagnostic purpose to double-check on my pelvic reproductive organs. I came out clean with just a fibroid in my uterus that appeared to be harmless and was miniature size-wise.

But when even 3 attempts of IUI failed. Doctors were sure that fibroid might be causing a hindrance in conceiving.

My Nightmare

After three failed IUI attempts doctors finally concluded to conduct laparoscopic surgery for removal of the fibroid held culprit for not conceiving. The second laparoscopy was successful but due to little negligence on the part of the anaesthetic doctor, my blood pressure drastically dropped on the operation table itself. They tried raising the BP but then it shot up so high that my heart choked for a few minutes, as a result, it started filling water in my lungs leading to Pulmonary edema. It’s a condition when the lungs have an excess of fluid and lead to a respiration problem. The operation duration was 1 hour but it extended up to 5 hrs. When I opened my eyes with pats on my cheek, I felt I got up from a slumber. There were doctors and nurses around my bed, a huge pipe was forced deep down my throat and I realised I was on a ventilator (life-supporting machine). Feeling awkward and was sweating even in ICU. Slowly within an hour or so life regulating stats were normal and I wanted to breathe normally.

My family especially my better half and MIL almost went through hell during those 5 hrs that appeared 5 years as I was still in the OT. The doctors were also not disclosing why it was taking so long.

My soulmate thought he lost me forever for a moment. But Almighty was kind enough to bring me back to normalcy.

Though I had a rough time but that was just my bad luck or fate. As such laparoscopic surgeries are conducted to weed out infertility issues and are conducted to have a clear vision of the pelvic cavity.

Uses of Laprascopy

Laparoscopy can help a doctor diagnose many conditions that effect fertility, such as :

  • Endometriosis
  • Blocked fallopian tubes
  • Build-up of scar tissues
  • Fibroids
  • Other anomalies of reproductive system

Laparoscopy can also help when a woman has unexplained infertility. This is the diagnosis when results of other diagnostic tests are normal, but a woman is still unable to conceive.

Benefits of Laproscopy

Compared to other surgical procedures that can help a doctor diagnose the cause of infertility, a laparoscopy involves:

  • less invasive methods
  • a lower risk of infection
  • smaller scars
  • the possibility of correcting the issue during surgery
  • an easier recovery

Also, if a person receives treatment during the procedure, the chances of conceiving may increase right away.

We, as a couple faced a storm during our laparoscopic surgery but we also reaped it’s benefits. The early removal of fibroid helped me to conceive in the first attempt of IVF. The removal also helped in carrying twin pregnancy more than 35 weeks which is close to full term.

Though I had a bad experience but laparoscopic surgery is the only answer to unexplained Infertility.

This post is a part of the series #trystwithinfertility of the blogchatter campaign A to Z ,you can read other posts below;

Post on letter D- Diagnostic Tests regarding Infertility

On letter E – Bird’s Eyeview on Infertility treatment

On letter F – 5 Fertility facts that would amaze you


On letter H- 5 Common Habits that could mess your fertility

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About womb2cradlenbeyond

7 thoughts on “Laparoscopic Surgery that was a nightmare for me and my family.

  1. Oh gosh Debi, I had no idea that you had been through such a tough ordeal in life. I am so glad you came out of it unscathed.

  2. OMG Debi that really is a nightmare to read even, and I’m proud you came out strong out of it.
    I’m happy that after removal you conceived to happiness but yes you seem to have gone through a lot. Kudos

  3. I went through the surgery as well after 2 failed IUIs. I refused to get the third one done. Thankfully it was all ok for me and I conceived naturally in the second cycle after that. It indeed is a needed treatment for unexplained infertility

  4. Ohh it was really a scary experience for you and your family debi and I could imagine how hard it must be for you and your family..I had gone through a minor laparoscopic surgery and it went well and I had conceived very soon after that surgery..great post and you had covered all points well about laparoscopic surgery.

  5. I got goosebumps while reading your nightmare Debi, more power to you girl, you passed all the painful storms with flying colors, your insightful well-researched post is helping us to know the procedure more closely and clearly.

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